10 Ways To Keep Anxiety At Bay

10 Ways to Keep Anxiety at Bay - Stephanie Arsenault - Global Dish

10 Ways to Keep Anxiety at Bay - Stephanie Arsenault - Global Dish

Anxiety affects more people than you’d think. For some, it’s minimal, and for others it’s devastating. Wherever you stand on the severity spectrum, here are ten tips that will help keep it at bay.

1. Give yourself a break

It’s okay not to be okay. The simple concept of being anxious can make you more anxious (cruel, but true), so the sooner you recognize and accept your feelings for what they are, the sooner you’ll be able to deal with them. Denying that the emotional and physical symptoms of anxiety are, in fact, from anxiety, will only increase them.


2. Technology is your friend

Spending too much time scrolling your social channels in itself can be anxiety-inducing, especially with the world in its current state. Some apps, however, like Calm, Headspace, and Insight Timer have guided meditations and programs to help you deal with stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, and general mindfulness.


3. Get outside

Whether it’s for a few minutes or few hours, get yourself some fresh air. Leave the earbuds at home, put your phone away, and just focus on your surroundings. Walk slowly {you’re not trying to break a sweat here} and breathe deeply {in through your nose, out through your mouth}. Take purposeful, rhythmic strides so your actions and your breath fall in step. Listen to the noises around you, look at your surroundings. Get out of your head, just for a little while, so when it’s time to get back in there, you’ve got some clarity.

10 Ways to Keep Anxiety at Bay - Stephanie Arsenault - Global Dish

10 Ways to Keep Anxiety at Bay - Stephanie Arsenault - Global Dish

4. Keep things neat

Messy room, messy mind. I’m not asking you to go all Marie Kondo on your space, just tidy up a bit. Put things where you can find them. Get rid of clutter. Hygge it up. Create a space where you can exist without the feeling of needing to clean up nagging at you. Don’t have time to tidy a room? Start small: empty out your purse or bag, get rid of old receipts and gum wrappers, then restock it with the necessities. It’ll make the next time you reach in there to grab something a little less hectic.


5. Don’t isolate yourself

It is all too easy to deal with your anxiety, and everything that comes with it, by holing up at home. The safety of cozy clothes, a hot cup of tea, and Netflix is about alluring as it gets. Sure, it’s distracting, but getting out of the house and doing something simple like going for coffee with a friend, or even doing a little window shopping, can be just as distracting. Being alone with your thoughts for too long can seriously end up intensifying your anxiety – whether you’re aware of it or not. If you do stay home, make sure you carve out some time to be social; call a friend or family member, get some FaceTime in, or even just send a quick text. That small amount of connection will make a big difference.

No matter the severity, anxiety sucks, and you don’t have to deal with it alone.

6. Get a good sleep

Not getting enough sleep is bad for your health, we all know it. But if you’re battling anxiety, it can be detrimental. Try to keep a regular{ish} bedtime and wakeup schedule and do what you can to catch as many z’s as possible. Little things that can help: have a hot bath or shower before bed; try sleep or relaxation-focused guided meditations; enjoy a pre-bedtime hot mug of herbal tea; give magnesium-based supplements a shot; and, avoid alcohol, sugar, and caffeine later in the evening.


7. Get enough goodness in your diet

Nourishing your body also nourishes your mind, so make sure you eat plenty of food with brain-healthy nutrients like vitamin B-12, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, magnesium, and tryptophan.

  • Get your B-12 from meat and dairy products, nutritional yeast {sprinkle it on your popcorn or eggs!}, and fortified cereals and non-dairy milk.

  • Omega-3s are abundant in cold-water fatty fish, plant-based oils, and nuts and seeds {think walnuts and chia seeds}.

  • Flavonoids are phytonutrients that you’ll find in colourful fruits and veggies; black and green teas are packed with them, so go ahead and make a pot!

  • Magnesium is one of those nutrients that many people don’t get enough of and can be found in – get this – dark chocolate {!}, avocados {!!}, and whole grains.

  • Tryptophan helps produce serotonin, which is, of course, crucial for your mental health. Salmon, eggs, leafy greens, and poultry are all great sources of the essential amino acid.

  • Eat a balanced diet with a good variety of whole foods; it’s the best way to ensure proper absorption of nutrients.

10 Ways to Keep Anxiety at Bay - Stephanie Arsenault - Global Dish

10 Ways to Keep Anxiety at Bay - Stephanie Arsenault - Global Dish

8. Keep track of successes, no matter how small

Life can get overwhelming, and that, no doubt, can contribute to your anxiety. Before bed each night, make a to-do list for the following day. Include the stuff you must get done, of course, but try to map out your day so there’s time for simple pleasures and relaxation. Maybe you have a cup of tea {hello, flavonoids!} while cuddling with the pup first thing in the morning. Go for a quick walk around the block in the evening. Make time to call a friend or family member for a few minutes. Add these things to your list and cross them off when they’re done. They may be small steps, but at least they’re in the right direction.

Being alone with your thoughts for too long can seriously end up intensifying your anxiety – whether you’re aware of it or not.

9. Do what you love

What brings you joy? Do you have a passion? A hobby? An interest in something you’ve never done before? Then make time for that. Read a book; attend a local artist’s workshop; take a class; pick up a pencil and draw or write; get in the kitchen and bake something delicious; do some yoga or go for a run {bonus: exercise is proven to help alleviate depression and anxiety, and it’ll help you sleep}. Doing things you love will help ease some of the effects of anxiety, and you might even find that you draw strength and inspiration from it.

10 Ways to Keep Anxiety at Bay - Stephanie Arsenault - Global Dish

10 Ways to Keep Anxiety at Bay - Stephanie Arsenault - Global Dish

10. Seek help

No matter the severity, anxiety sucks, and you don’t have to deal with it alone. Talk to a friend or family member about what you’re going through or get help from a professional; sharing your feelings will help lift that big dark cloud that is anxiety. You may benefit from a counselor or psychologist; someone who can give you unbiased, education and experience-backed advice. If you need medication, that’s alright, too! Mental health is just that – your health – so look after it, okay? We’re in this together.